Friday 8 August 2014

Kenai, Alaska

After a successful evening spent fishing on the Kenai River, we spent a lazy morning at the camper doing school work and soaking up another day of glorious 20 degree sunshine! The girls made fast friends with Cooper, Lee's son's black Lab. They ran all over the property and enjoyed a day of play with their new found friend.

That afternoon, we set out to explore the nearby historical town of Kenai. We arrived at low tide and got great views of Mount Redoubt in the distance. The local "dip-netters" were out for the second last day of catching salmon as they swim up the river. They stand in the icy cold water and position these huge round nets in the hopes of catching the salmon as they swim upriver to spawn. Only Alaska residents are allowed to participate and the season runs for a few weeks until the end of July. It is quite a spectacle to witness and whole families gather to catch their limit and stock their freezers for another year.

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